Welcome to our winery

Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting

Classic Cars Tours

Classic Cars Tours

Regional Food from West Georgia

Regional Food from West Georgia

At Vazis Xidi Winery we not only produce wine, we also invite guests to join us, learn how we work and enjoy the final product, our Vazis Xidi wine, together with traditional hand made delicacies. We currently have two rooms in our home reserved for travelers to stay with us for a few days.

Directly above the extended part of our wine cellar, we are in the final phase of constructing the Vazis Xidi Wine Hotel. From the hotel rooms you will be able to descend directly into the underground part of the wine cellar and experience this very special atmosphere first hand. In the adjacent restaurant, Georgian dishes, interpreted in a modern way and made of fresh, regional products will be served with our very own internationally awarded wine.

Contact us to book a wine tasting or a dinner at our winery or rent one of our classic cars for a trip to the nearby city of Kutaisi or one of the many attractions in our region.